Breaking the myth that time is a healer.
If time does not heal our trauma then what does?

They say that time is a healer. That fear of being alone, that insecurity, that relationship-trauma, it will all be gone in time, right? It feels easier to count on the external factors to heal and change us, but does it work? I would say no. What if it is our responsibility to use the time that we have for our own benefit?
Time does not heal anything. What you do during that time heals you. Time makes it seem easier to forget the feeling, but your wounds will stay with you. Your insecurities will follow you, you will still not know your worth and your value. You will continue showing the same toxic behaviours into the next relationship, wondering why it doesn’t work.
—The way you spend your time can make you whole or make a hole in you —
I think we all have a time in our lives when we are not involved in any kind of relationship, either because we choose to or it just happened. Or maybe some have experienced being in a relationship and feeling completely lonely. During this time what do you choose to do? You can either choose to let it pass, and go with the flow, or choose to work on your self-growth and self-love. Either way, I am here for you. I want to encourage you to give yourself some love that nobody else can.
I want you to discover the magic of self-love, wholeness, and self-acceptance, that will heal you and bring you some well deserved happiness. This won’t be just temporal, but eternal. It might involve a bit of letting go, a bit forgiveness, and a bit of connecting yourself with difficult emotions and pain. It will hurt, but it is worth it.
You might deal with a lot of pain that is difficult to connect with. You might deal with insecurities, control, depression, anxiety, suicide thoughts, low self-esteem, or getting over a relationship, and it seems like there is no end to it. Whatever that might be, I am here to tell you that there is hope, and you can do it.
We all have time, the difference is how we choose to spend it. You can choose to wait for magic healing, or begin to pay attention to that pure soul of yours. There are a few things I can recommend you to start with, which you can find in Part 2 of this article.
You are strong, and there is so much more power in you than you know. Be kind to yourself and remember that dealing with your experiences is healthy. Stay true to yourself about how you feel and avoid denying your negative feelings if they are present. Stay with yourself and with your feelings, and listen to what your emotions are telling you. Your trauma does not represent who you are. If you use the time that you have to heal and educate yourself, you will soon scream to the world how unique and happy you are with yourself. I can’t wait to see you do that.